This last week was so busy with 2 over-night stays in a row. We spent the last two days in Terego; a church on Saturday and a school on Sunday. The church was very encouraging as we talked with many youth leaders and active youths within the church. They were engaged and asking great questions, and we got some great interaction with them. On the flip side, at the Secondary school we went to yesterday the students were less-than-enthusiastic. They were the most American-like students we've encountered...acting disinterested and unenthusiatic (no offense to interested and enthusiastic teens out there!). It was the first time I really struggled to love the audience and want them to get the message the Lord had for them, as my pride was a little overwhelming. But through prayer, God helped me to stay humble and He spoke through us.
God is still moving and working around us, in us, and through us. But it's getting a little difficult to teach the same things all the time and it not go on auto-pilot. It's very encouraging to know that we are where God wants us to be, but as the sights are getting familiar and cold showers and beans start to get tedious, the mind wants to wander toward home. Please pray for us, that we can keep our teaching fresh, and that we will keep open hearts and eyes to the people and places around us.
Money is the root of all kinds of evil. It has never been so apparent as it is here. I know I keep harping on this, but new things keep coming up which keep it at the front of my mind. It's frustrating to us for everyone around us to associate our skin color with money and power. Friends may not actually be friends, but just want to get to your resources. Even for the ones who are not overtly asking, it complicates the relationship between missionaries and the people they're ministering to. Many missionaries we've met here have nicer houses than any of the nationals, and build big walls with gates all around their home. What a barrier to real relationships! Why would one move to Africa to live at the same standard they do in the US?
At the same time, I have compassion and love for the folks who struggle to be real friends with us. If I had a good friend who was very rich and I was struggling to pay my bills, it would be in the back of my mind as well. So how do we get past this? How can we really minister to people spiritually, emotionally, and physically without the barrier created by money and power? Please pray for us, that we would be able to make real relationships that are fruitful for the kingdom while we're here.
Half-way done, and I can't believe how quickly, yet slowly time has gone. Just trying to soak it all in while I can...
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